This is my first real project in my Intro to Graphic Design class.
I was asked to design the floor shirts this year! I'm very excited about it, but I'm nervous too. I really want to do a good job, and this is my first design that will be used around campus. Not only will the girls on my floor wear it, but my professors will see it and that will reflect on me (tons!).
Our floor motto is “This changes everything”, and we have lots of black and white with pops of color. The red flowers/stars are the pops of color - but they would be a little different on each shirt. We will color the flowers (that will be printed white) in with sharpies so that everyone’s will be a little different.
The front of the shirt has the motto on it and the back has Galatians 5:13 on it and will have the names of each girl on the floor. I haven't picked a spot for "Gainey 2nd South" to go yet, but I'm thinking either before the names (kind of like a header), or in the lower right hand corner on the front... still thinking about that.
Anyway, I would really appreciate the feedback