Family camp was this week--fun and crazy like always =)
I wasn't able to be there for very long because of work but while I was there I had a good time. It was great to see some friends from school and to hang out with the church family again!
Work has been keeping me pretty busy--while it's only a part time job, there are a lot of hoops to jump through (like two full days of training that didn't teach me a thing!) and I'm also working for June twice a week. At least work is getting me out of the house, and providing the all important pay check! Oh the things I do for school--I find myself wearing my Arborshire T-shirts to motivate myself, haha
While I am not busy working I've found time to spend with my crazy siblings and parents. Sienna and I play volleyball and soccer together a lot (photo), Hunter and I are going mini-golfing this week, and Connor and I... we just do any weird thing we can find. Nothing new there =)
Anywho, I was kinda stuck in a rut for a while a few weeks ago. I started to feel a little depressed, which is not something that I suffer from very often. Thankfully mom came to my rescue and found a gallery that is open to entries for adults (18+ years) within my county! I can submit 2 pieces and have to pay a fee but I think it would be worth it to get a piece (or both) in! To top it off there are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes chosen among the pieces that make it into the show!
I hope I'll be able to do it--the deadline is really sneaking up on me and one of the pieces that I wanted to enter is not as quite what I was hoping for (see below).
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