Half an hour until Em-o and I go to pick up the two high school seniors that will be spending the night with us. Pondering over the night ahead and sick of doing homework: A new post is born!
I can hardly believe that this semester is over half way complete! It it still only the beginning in my mind. At the same time, I feel like I never left this place—as though I've been here since mom and dad dropped me off on that horrid move-in day. I lot has changed this year, my group of close friends has brightened in many corners, and dimmed in a few others. But I am thankful for each area of growth—it has been an insightful semester.
The classes are certainly harder, especially the art classes (who knew that the upper level classes would be more difficult?). But I am learning a lot this semester, exploring areas of my mind—creatively—that have not been worked in a long time. It has been a struggle, and there has been—and will be—frustration, but I love what I am succeeding in! The fight makes it that much more rewarding in the end.
The room situation is also much better this year. I get to room with my best friend and I love it! Our room has been full of laughs, tears, venting and companionable silence(rarely, but it does happen once in a while). I have also had the joy of seeing our home-away-from-home turn into a hang-out for our friends. The futon has a guest or two on it constantly, and we are often forced to sit on the floor too because there is not enough space at the desks and futon (a GREAT problem to have!!)
It has been exciting, and I am almost afraid for it to end! I don't even mind the homework—it's the due dates that are the poison to all things right and beautiful! haha But I truly will be sorry for this semester to pass away.
OH! It is time to pick up our nervous guests! Hopefully we will be able to show them a good time and they will end up coming next year. I'm sure it will be a blast :)
Continued prayers are appreciated! The stress has only begun, and as the art show begins to peak around the corner, I can feel my heart start to pound! It's going to be a bumpy ride, but the thrill is half the fun...