Another semester has come and gone. Ending with a bang and a sigh of relief. I was not sure that I would make it about two weeks ago, first with the art show, then final projects and finally exams breeding panic in the pit of my stomach.
Dec 22, 2009
Christmas Break '09
Another semester has come and gone. Ending with a bang and a sigh of relief. I was not sure that I would make it about two weeks ago, first with the art show, then final projects and finally exams breeding panic in the pit of my stomach.
Dec 15, 2009
Dear Blog...
Dec 8, 2009
Visual Chapter Project

This poster represents a chapter in my Intro to GD book. I was really excited about this piece, and I got an "A-", which isn't bad :)
Dec 5, 2009

Dec 4, 2009

This is another one of my "Murphy's Law" headlines. The "hidden flaw" in the text is that the "a"s and the "e"s are flipped—basically everywhere that you would see an "e", it's really an "a" that has just been flipped upside-down.
Nov 23, 2009
Murphy — short

Alright, our final project for Typographic Design is headings. We have to make 3 different headings, all from one of Murphy's laws—a short, a medium, and a long.
Nov 20, 2009
Starting on the portfolio...
During My Free Moments...

...I like to work on small graphics—usually fun photo edits, or logos (the leaf symbol for example). Which makes me feel a little better when I doubt my future—you know you'll succeed when you spend your free time doing something similar to what you've done all day! Here's a photo edit that I did today in between writing a paper and doing photography.
Nov 15, 2009
Christmas Lights in the Dorm
Mom bought us some Christmas lights!!! Hurray! haha, we put them up this evening and have been having a great time! We hung them up around our bedroom window, and they are so pretty :)
Christian Photography

Here are the first examples of my photography this semester. I've been using black and white film—SLR camera. This assignment requires that we take 2 Christian photographs and take them to class for a large critique. The photos also have to be around 8x10"—we can crop, no worries. The one of the knees in the grass is actually 5x10", and the photo of the lamp is about 8x9".
Nov 12, 2009
Fall '09 — over half way though!

Half an hour until Em-o and I go to pick up the two high school seniors that will be spending the night with us. Pondering over the night ahead and sick of doing homework: A new post is born!
Nov 11, 2009
Oxymoron Poster

Nov 1, 2009
Out in the Fields with God
Patriotic Program

This is the program I made for Typography. This isn't the finished product, but I have to save the updated version as a jpg again.
Oct 31, 2009
Some of the members of our floor went to Trunk-r-Treat dressed up as 'Apples to Apples' cards! We picked that theme about a year ago, didn't know that we would actually DO IT! haha, but it was a lot of fun!
Oct 27, 2009
"Cappuccino To Go" Logo

This is one of my logo designs for Typography. We had to pick out one of the "company" names from a list and design a company logo for them. I will also have to choose the font that the company will use in all of their advertisements and written documents.
Oct 18, 2009
The Mist and All - by Dixie Willson
Oct 17, 2009
Leaf Symbol

This is my first attempt at a logo...
Oct 7, 2009
Love Note - Bright and Early

Oct 5, 2009
Typographic Hierarchy

Sep 29, 2009
ID cards

This is my first real project in my Intro to Graphic Design class.
Sep 24, 2009
Dear Homework,
Sep 21, 2009
Screaming During Quiet Hours
Blond moments
I have a feeling that this blog will also become a vault where all of the stupid things that I do, and all the funny/terrible/sad/ironic things that happen in college.
Sep 10, 2009
Artists Are Among Us - Show

Sep 9, 2009
Floor Shirt Ideas

I was asked to design the floor shirts this year! I'm very excited about it, but I'm nervous too. I really want to do a good job, and this is my first design that will be used around campus. Not only will the girls on my floor wear it, but my professors will see it and that will reflect on me (tons!).
Our floor motto is “This changes everything”, and we have lots of black and white with pops of color. The red flowers/stars are the pops of color - but they would be a little different on each shirt. We will color the flowers (that will be printed white) in with sharpies so that everyone’s will be a little different.
The front of the shirt has the motto on it and the back has Galatians 5:13 on it and will have the names of each girl on the floor. I haven't picked a spot for "Gainey 2nd South" to go yet, but I'm thinking either before the names (kind of like a header), or in the lower right hand corner on the front... still thinking about that.
Anyway, I would really appreciate the feedback

Aug 28, 2009
Family Portraits
Alright, this is a very bad photo of the drawing, but I will have a better one posted soon. This is a portrait--both self and non--was done about a month ago. I've never finished it, but I thought I should post it anyway. Unfortunately my motivation fled and has never returned for this particular project, but maybe another time.
Aug 25, 2009
35mm SLR - first photos

Aug 20, 2009
19 Going On 12

Hair cut and braces removed (finally!)
Aug 10, 2009
Blank and Blushing

Aug 4, 2009
Aug 2, 2009
Oh Hush

Jul 30, 2009
I'm Completely Captivated
Jul 25, 2009
"Artists Are Among Us"

Jul 17, 2009
Hi. I'm New and Clueless
My tale commences before work, when I was politely informing my mother that I was not looking forward to working the register on Saturday. AT ALL. Because I have had this awful feeling that my manager is going to throw me in front of the horrid foreign object and say: "if you mess up, you're FIRED!" But thankfully I don't have to worry about that until Saturday, right?
So after receiving the location of my final resting place, I headed toward my car. As soon as I start the car--after unlocking it and buckling up of course--I call my mom in a panic, and to give her my last testament.
Craziness That Really Isn't
Family camp was this week--fun and crazy like always =)
I wasn't able to be there for very long because of work but while I was there I had a good time. It was great to see some friends from school and to hang out with the church family again!
Work has been keeping me pretty busy--while it's only a part time job, there are a lot of hoops to jump through (like two full days of training that didn't teach me a thing!) and I'm also working for June twice a week. At least work is getting me out of the house, and providing the all important pay check! Oh the things I do for school--I find myself wearing my Arborshire T-shirts to motivate myself, haha
While I am not busy working I've found time to spend with my crazy siblings and parents. Sienna and I play volleyball and soccer together a lot (photo), Hunter and I are going mini-golfing this week, and Connor and I... we just do any weird thing we can find. Nothing new there =)
Anywho, I was kinda stuck in a rut for a while a few weeks ago. I started to feel a little depressed, which is not something that I suffer from very often. Thankfully mom came to my rescue and found a gallery that is open to entries for adults (18+ years) within my county! I can submit 2 pieces and have to pay a fee but I think it would be worth it to get a piece (or both) in! To top it off there are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes chosen among the pieces that make it into the show!
I hope I'll be able to do it--the deadline is really sneaking up on me and one of the pieces that I wanted to enter is not as quite what I was hoping for (see below).
Safari Drawing - First Reveal

Okay, so this is my unfinished drawing of the safari that I was talking about before. I ended up running out of room and can't add as many animals as I planned/wanted. I've spent somewhere around 36 hours on this thing and unfortunately I hate the thing. I've just become really frustrated with it and I'm not sure if I will ever be able to "finish" it to my satisfaction. (but Da Vinci did say that art was never truly finished, it was simply abandoned--not that that makes me feel any better) I like the elephants but that's about it at this point. Hopefully a more complete copy will appear in future posts--I'm going to try working on it again this afternoon.
Jul 3, 2009
African Wildlife

I have recently (as of two days ago) gained an interest in African wildlife; especially zebras, elephants, lions and giraffes. So I did some research via google and picked up some photographs to play with. I want to start working on a larger piece. I'm thinking of an African landscape with the necessary animals as the main focal point. Before I started, I made a few practice sketches to see if I could do a half decent job. Here are my first two sketches, the first being a pencil sketch of a young elephant and the second being an ink sketch of a hyena cub.
I will probably have more sketches up soon as well as the larger finished product. As of right now, my little elephant will be featured in the final piece, however the hyena will not--he's cute, but not quite what I'm looking for.