Mar 13, 2012

Post-Show Break Time!

There are few things that are more sacred and wonderful than Spring Break.
Oh, how I have needed it!  Last week I was on a strict recovery schedule, where immediate homework was completed, and the rest of my time was spent laying on my bed, preferably in the state of unconsciousness.  And it was lovely :)

The show was great—I found myself overwhelmed by the amount of family and friends that came to support me and the other students.  We didn't think to take many pictures of the actual event, but here are some from the very beginning—hopefully I will be able to post some photos of the gallery layout shortly.

Family viewing the show

Grandma brought me flowers :)

And to be honest, this week has not been much more productive, though I have greatly enjoyed a change in scenery and the chance to see my favorite teacher more than once in a week (I've seen him 4 times since Friday, I'm okay with my life right now)

Anywho, it's been a good time—so good in fact that I need to scoot, hopefully more info later!

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