Jan 6, 2012

A Day of Days

It's been one of those days.
Those crazy ones.
The ones that make me wonder why I am still up at this hour, writing a blog post when I should be very much in bed.

A Recovery Day:
Mom, Connor and I have been sick this week and we're all finally well enough to move around like normal people!  Which is good :)

A Girly Day:
Today (due to the recent recovery), Mom and I went and bought my wedding dress!  Super exciting? Um, YES! We also set up the date for the fitting, and took care of a few other small wedding-like things :)
The worst part about this fact, is that I can't tell the attractive young man about the dress... which I didn't realize would be this hard!  Though... I confess, I have told him a little (it's white, it will fit after it is taken in, I will wear it at our wedding, ect).
Ah well, at least "Pick and Buy Wedding Dress" can be checked off the daunting list of wedding to-dos.

An Organizing Day:
Now that I am feeling well, I have begun to organize and straighten my own thoughts—make a check list for the wedding, figure out lab aid stuff for the other student workers, and start to organize one for my January jobs at the school, not to mention brainstorm portfolio pieces for the upcoming semester...
Which brings me to the next day within my day:

I realized how much I have to do this month. Wow, I am not sure how it is all going to get done!  And after a last minute turn of events, I am headed back to the Arborshire tomorrow, and have to pack up my stuff, go buy groceries and try not to panic about everything I need to do!

A Thankful Day:
Despite all of this craziness, both wedding related and non, I have been blessed with some really wonderful people.  I love that my mom will listen and work with me as I plan out my "to-dos" for the next week or so.  I am so thankful for how my siblings can make me LAUGH, and can lighten up my mood after a stressful day/moment.  And I cannot help but love Todd all the more when I can start to explain a "to-do" that is stressing me out (especially wedding wise), and he finishes the sentence and makes it seem so much easier than the entire issue was a few moments before.
He's also great at reminding me that I don't have to make everybody else happy, and in the end, pointing me back to the focus of our lives: God.

It's been a crazy day, but a good day.  Doubtless, more adventures tomorrow—good night!


1 comment:

Britney said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I'll keep praying for you :) Just know that you're loved! <3